Recent Letter
A new letter in the Guardian, responding to the common anti-Zionist argument that at one time in the 20th century, communist and Bundist Jews outnumbered Zionists:It is true that during the first half of the 20th century, anti-Zionist Bundists and communists represented a larger proportion of Europe's Jewish population than the Zionists. Their ideas on Jewish nationalism, however, were thoroughly discredited by the Holocaust, which proved beyond all doubt that Jews could not rely on the good grace of their Christian brethren for survival.
Michael Brenner
Woodmere, New York, USA
The letter I was responding to can be found here. Tony Greenstein is an anti-Zionist activist in the UK. His letter contains some of the more rancid anti-Zionist arguments I've seen; in addition to totally misstating the history of the Dreyfus trial, he actually argues that French opinions were responsible for saving a few French Jews during World War II and compares these to the 3000 Argentinian Jews who disappeared during the Argentian junta.
Anti-Zionism, antisemitism, falsehood, or stupidity?