OpinionJournal Sucks
I used to like reading James Taranto's OpinionJournal for a mix of decent conservative ideology and an admittedly funny skewering of some of the excesses of modern liberalism. (I confess, despite holding many liberal positions, to enjoy this kind of skewering, which I used to read in US News and World Report written by John Leo, because I found a lot of it to be accurate.) Now I can't stand him; it seems like the whole point of OpinionJournal is to bash anything left of center and to serve as a shill for the Republican National Committee. There is not an original idea left in the daily diatribe Taranto sends out.What really sucks is that Taranto wastes time on stories that are so old that it is annoying to read about them. Today's post is a perfect example; it contains yet more Dan Rather-bashing, yet more Max Cleland-bashing, yet more bashing of the anti-war organization, Move-on.org. Kerry-bashing continues (Taranto has the childish habit of calling people names and identifying them by disrespectful phrases). A mention of Ted Kennedy does not come without a reference to Chappaquidik. Kerry is referred to as "haughty" and "French-looking".
This is like, really lame. Taranto should cut this nonsense out of his daily post and try and come up with an original idea for a change.