Thursday, December 30, 2004

Hating Jews More Than Loving Their Children

Two stories on the Albawaba, an site that is one of the Middle East's largest content providers, features two articles that truly suggest that certain people in this world hate Israel more than they love their own people.

One, very sadly, is about the refusal of Sri Lanka, recently hit by the Tsunami Earthquake, to accept an Israeli rescue team. The other is an antisemitic article questioning why a Jewish doctor was allowed to treat Yasir Arafat.

Just to put things in perspective, one of the founders of Albawaba is Brian Whitaker, the chief Middle East correspondent for the Guardian in England.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Two good pieces in Ha'aretz

Two excellent pieces in Ha'aretz today.

The first is by Yoel Marcus, my favorite Israeli columnist and one of the best political writers around. It analyzes the new blood in Israel's Labor Party. The second is by Jacob Lupu, discussing the recent High Court decision in Israel to suspend government funding of Haredi yeshivot who fail to offer secular studies to their students, and provides a long history of the often acrimonious debate over whether such studies should be offered.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Middle East Transparent: Let the Liberal Arab Revolution Go Forth

Next time someone tells you there is no hope for the Arab world, direct them to Middle East Transparent, a new website devoted to the views of Arab liberals. Yes, there is a considerable helping of neoconservative writing here too, but the writers include Abu Khawla, the former head of the Tunisian section of Amnesty International.

Khawla's latest piece analyzes why the Arab World has maintained a deafening silence on the Sudan crisis, where the Arab government has carried out of program of enslavement and murder of both Muslim and Christian Black Africans.

Another interesting article on the site discusses the ethnic cleansing of Iraq's 2600 year old Jewish community in the 1940s and early 1950s. Some anti-Zionist have sought to deny the themes of this story or to blame Israel for the dismantling of Iraq's Jewish community.

Both articles recommended.